
London Pest Control Services

Flea Control

Local Flea Exterminators that You Can Count on

The Shortest Way to a Flea-Free Home

Suffering from fleas in the house? You don’t have to have pets to become infected with these small, stubborn and certainly irritating pests. They can get on your clothes and travel back to your home to cause problems. Our reliable flea treatment for your home or workspace will help you say goodbye to bites, irritated skin and stress.

Don’t waste another second and give us a call.

Additional Information

Fleas live by consuming blood from their hosts. Adult fleas grow to about 3 millimetres long, are usually brown, black or reddish-brown and have the bodies that are ‘flattened’ sideways or narrow, enabling them to move through their host’s fur or feathers and making it easy for them to fit through the smallest of spaces.

They lack wings, but have strong claws preventing them from being dislodged mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood and hind legs extremely well adapted for jumping. Flea larvae are worm-like with no limbs; they have chewing mouthparts and feed on organic debris left on their host’s skin.

Are fleas dangerous; A flea bite often leaves an itchy, red bump that can be very irritating. They can spread tape worm to dogs and cats and have been known to transmit plague and murine typhus.

Signs of flea infestation; If you have pets in the home, they will be your first indication of a flea infestation. Watch your dog or cat for constant scratching, as this is the first sign of fleas. Inspect your pet, looking for small, moving bugs. You may also find small, black droppings on your pet’s skin.

Why do I have a flea problem? Fleas are very difficult to get rid of. Simply treating your pet will not eliminate the problem, as they can live in your carpet and furniture. Vacuuming may help, but eggs, larvae and pupae are often tightly attached to the carpet fibres and will not come loose with regular vacuuming. If you are having problem controlling fleas in your premises, contact Monsterkil Pest Control

Evidence Of A Flea Infestation


Salmonella – Associated with all Rodents Lyme Diseases – Associated with mice mostly Hantavirus – Associated with rats and mice

Bite Marks

Wash your hands regularly Cover all cuts and wounds with water-proof dressings Clean anything related to rodents such as droppings etc…

Live insects

Weil’s disease is also know as leptospirosis – these begin with a flu-like illness with a persistent and severe headache, eventually leading to liver damage


A flea bite can leave uncomfortable marks all over the body and in some people can cause extreme allergies that will need medical treatment.

Associated With

Flea are mostly associated with pets, but can also be found in other places like your beds, carpets or sofas.

Flea can live for months

Flea are able to live for months without any food.It is very difficult to eradicate flea and their eggs without carrying out a specialist treatment. Pest Control in London Pest Control in Reigate

Flea treatment info

Additional Information

Initial Treatment

  • On our first treatment we will identify the source of the infestation, i.e. the host animal, and if appropriate recommend treating it with a suitable veterinary product. (Such a treatment should not be carried out by a pest control technician but by the owner of the animal or a veterinarian).
  • A residual insecticide will then be applied to areas frequented by the animal.
  • This will normally consist of spraying all carpeted areas.The treatment is completely safe, however, you will have to vacate the premises for at least three hours to allow the insecticide to settle and dry.
  • Once the first visit is complete our technician will complete a detailed inspection report explaining what he has done.

The follow up

  • We will need to carry out a follow-up treatment for fleas around two weeks after the initial treatment.
  • The premises are treated in exactly the same way as the initial visit.
  • Once our work is completed our technician will complete a detailed inspection report and discuss ways of preventing re-infestation with you.

For a Free Quotation give us a call today

Please Call : 020 80872327